A prestigious prize and national exposure are fine achievements for a writer in her early twenties. Heat and Light is the first major publication by Ellen van Neerven, winner of the 2013 David Unaipon Award. Given her age, it is less surprising that Heat and Light focuses on questions of identity.
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Alec Patrić

A.S. Patric is the author of Las Vegas for Vegans, shortlisted in the 2013 Queensland Literary Awards for the Steele Rudd Award. He is also the author The Rattler & other stories and Bruno Kramzer. A.S. Patric is the winner of the 2011 Ned Kelly Award and the 2011 Booranga Prize. Best Australian Stories 2010 and 2012 featured his work and he has been published in many periodicals. Hs novel Black Rock White City won the Miles Franklin Award in 2016.