Over the past few years, no term has been more ubiquitous, among political scientists and political commentators alike, than ‘populism’. The 2016 Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom, Donald Trump’s election later that year, and, more recently, the formation of a government mostly supported by two populist parties (the Movimento Cinque Stelle/Five Star Movement and the Lega/League) in Ita ... (read more)
Matteo Bonotti

Mark Gibeau is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Culture, History and Languages, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University. He lectures in Japanese language and literature and focuses primarily on postwar Japanese literature and literary translation. His most recent project is a retranslation of Dazai Osamu’s seminal novel, A Shameful Life (Ningen shikkaku), due to be published by Stone Bridge Press in November 2018. [https://www.stonebridge.com/catalog/a-shameful-life-ningen-shikkaku]