The Porter Prize poems
In today’s episode, listen to the shortlisted poets for the 2022 Peter Porter Poetry Prize – Chris Arnold, Dan Disney, Michael Farrell, Anthony Lawrence, and Debbie Lim – read their poems. This year, our judges Sarah Holland-Batt, Jaya Savige, and Anders Villani had 1,330 poems to assess. In their comments, they write: ‘The five accomplished shortlisted poems each share a narrative bent, a focus on form (four out of five are stanzaic), and a capacity to startle and surprise with vivid imagery, linguistic torque, humour, and juxtaposition.’
All poets are timestamped below in the audio player.
Join us to announce the winner
RSVP for an online ceremony at 6pm on January 19 as we reveal the winner of the 2022 Porter Prize. The night will feature the shortlisted poets introducing and reading their poems before a special guest announces the overall winner.
Simply email your interest to to attend the ceremony. We will send you a Zoom link closer to the event.
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