One day as I was reviewing this book in London, I happened to turn on the television, only to discover that BBC One now features three hours of cooking programs on Saturday mornings – very appropriate when one is reading a biography of the woman who changed American eating habits. When you are not watching the likes of Michel Roux demonstrating how quickly he can make an omelette, there are clip ... (read more)
Sally Burton

Sally Burton is the Executive Producer of Onward Production, a Perth-based independent theatre company. She is also Patron of Black Swan State Theatre Company, with which she runs The Richard Burton Award for New Plays, in memory of her late husband, the renowned actor Richard Burton. Sally is also involved with the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, where she offers an annual prize to third-year acting students. Before moving to Perth from London in 2005, Sally wrote for a variety of British newspapers and magazines. Sally is a director of Giving West and is an Honorary Fellow of The University of Wales, Swansea, in recognition of her interest in, and support of, the history and culture of Wales.
That Barbara Santich has a vast knowledge and understanding of her subject is evident in every vivid and informative page of Bold Palates. The writer sets out to prove that, from the earliest colonial days, Australians improvised and adapted the available food, be it local or imported, familiar or new, and in so doing created the foundation for the distinctive Australian food culture we know today ... (read more)
Charles Drazin tells us that his interest in French cinema began as a student at Oxford in the early 1980s, when he attended screenings at the Maison Française, an institution established after World War II to encourage cultural exchange between Britain and France. Some of the films were obscure, some better known; the audience comprised devotees and newcomers who never quite knew what they were ... (read more)