The second in the Ship Kings series has a cinematic feel and shares the first-rate quality of the first book. Set in a fantasy world where island folk live in unsettled peace under the ruling mariner class, it continues the tale of Dow Amber as he sets off on a sailing adventure aboard the battleship Chloe. He and the unusual scapegoat girl Ignella are the only outsiders aboard the Ship Kings’ v ... (read more)
Clare Kennedy

Clare Kennedy is a Melbourne-based writer and reviewer, an Arts/Law graduate from Monash University, and a former student of Holmesglen Professional Writing and Editing. She has a special interest in literary fiction and enjoys writing about arts and fashion. A regular reviewer for Viewpoint on Books for Young Adults and the Weekend Herald Sun, her writing has also appeared in Bookseller + Publisher, Goodreading, the Big Issue, and the Weekly Review. She loves playing tennis and riding her bike. The mother of three children, she lives in Beaumaris.