Mothers of America let your kids go to the movies! get them out of the house so they won’t know what you’re up to it’s true that fresh air is good for the body but what about the soul that grows in darkness, embossed by silvery images …
These lines from Frank O’Hara’s 1960 poem ‘Ave Maria’ seem wistfully nostalgic now that you can watch Lawrence of Arabia on your iPhone on a tram, ... (read more)
Campbell Thomson

Campbell Thomson is a Melbourne writer and barrister. He practises criminal, native title, and environmental law. He produces and acts, most recently with Othello at 45downstairs. He is a judicial officer for the Australian Rugby Union and a rugby tragic. He was an officer in The Black Watch in Germany and Northern Ireland. His most recent poems were published in Overland, Cordite, and Rabbit. He used to talk about films on ABC local radio.