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The Sydney Wars: Conflict in the early colony, 1788–1817 by Stephen Gapps

August 2018, no. 403

The Sydney Wars: Conflict in the early colony, 1788–1817 by Stephen Gapps

NewSouth, $34.99 pb, 432 pp, 9781742232140

The Sydney Wars: Conflict in the early colony, 1788–1817 by Stephen Gapps

August 2018, no. 403

The Uluru Statement from the Heart, in May 2017, might not have had much resonance with the federal government. However, it coincides with a new phase of writing and research that helps to round out its long-term significance and impact. Mark McKenna has expanded on the importance of the Uluru Statement in the March 2018 Quarterly Essay (Moment of Truth). He points out that, among other things, this remarkable document is partly an appeal for truth telling about the past, as a fundamental means to reconciliation, and his essay includes examples of the way that is already happening.

From the New Issue

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