Werner Herzog is perhaps the only cinéaste from the epoch sometimes referred to as the ‘golden age of art cinema’ whose reputation as a pop cultural figure eclipses that of his films. One of the key members of the New German Cinema movement, and the director of celebrated feature films such as Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972) and The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (1974), Herzog has come to be known ... (read more)
Corey Cribb

Corey P. Cribb holds an MSc in Film Studies from the University of Edinburgh and a PhD in Screen and Cultural Studies from the University of Melbourne. He is presently working on his début monograph, Film and the Philosophy Sense, which will analyse French language debates over cinematic meaning in from the 1940s to the present. His book reviews can also be found in Film-Philosophy (Edinburgh University Press) and Senses of Cinema.