I found Don Anderson’s essay ‘Leisure’ (ABR, August 1997) interesting, but was intrigued by his photo that covers almost one third of a page. There is a lengthy biographical note which tells us that Don is ‘a member of the English Department at the University of Sydney. His monthly column, ‘Between the Lines’, appears in the Sydney Morning Herald.’ The note also informs us that he co ... (read more)
Subhash Jaireth

Subhash Jaireth is an Indian-Australian author, poet, and translator. His published works include To Silence: Three Autobiographies (Puncher& Wattmann, 2011), After Love (Transit Lounge, 2012), Moments (Puncher & Wattmann, 2014), Incantations (Recent Work Press, 2016), and Spinoza's Overcoat: Travels with writers and poets (Transit Lounge, 2020).