Charles Bernstein

Charles Bernstein is an American poet, essayist, and literary scholar. His first poetry collection, Asylums, appeared in 1975, when he was twenty-five years old. His most recent collection, Near/Miss (2018) won him the 2019 Bollingen Prize for American Poetry. He is currently the Donald T. Regan Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Pennsylvania.
Her voiceweepssin-g-ingtoGodo-n afre-quen-cythat tu-nesout he-rcries. We’-veonly jus-tbegunto fr-ea-k —t-hed-readl-on-gingto becl-oseto Y-ouwh-otears each soulto s-hr-eds.Hurting eachother, b-utc-omingback f-ormore.As i-fhurtiswhatmatters.
Charles Bernstein ... (read more)