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‘Let That Sink In!’
On 26 October 2022, two days before closing a deal to purchase Twitter for US$44 billion (A$61.4 billion), Elon Musk walked into its San Francisco headquarters carrying a white porcelain sink. He walked up to an unattended front desk in the lobby and said, to no one: ‘You can’t help but let that sink in.’ Of course, he didn’t really say this to no one. His triumphant entrance at Twitter HQ was staged, the video shared with his 120 million Twitter followers, with the phrase: ‘Let That Sink In!’
This event is described by Kate Conger and Ryan Mac in their long, detailed account of how Musk, reportedly the richest man on earth, took over, and then radically changed, the social media company Twitter – for the worse.
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Character Limit: How Elon Musk destroyed Twitter
by Kate Conger and Ryan Mac
Cornerstone Press, $36.99 pb, 468 pp
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