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‘The greedy, bleeding pen’

October 2009, no. 315

The Bee Hut by Dorothy Porter

Black Inc., $24.95 pb, 160 pp, 9781863954464

‘The greedy, bleeding pen’

October 2009, no. 315

The Bee Hut, Dorothy Porter’s fifteenth book, is a collection of poems written between 2004 and her death in December 2009. Many poems address mortality: ‘nothing lasts / not Forster. not Cavafy’s eloquent doomed mediocrities. not you.’ Another important motif is travel and how it affects the traveller. There are two almost contrary themes in the travel poems: the recurring image of the artist as vulture or vampire, destroying what feeds it; and the stately museum or gallery preserving the past intact: ‘I hold in my hand / the greedy, bleeding / pen / that has always / gorged itself’ (‘Blackberries’); ‘Each new ghost in my life / living and dead / smells of mulch’ (‘Vampire’).

The Bee Hut

The Bee Hut

by Dorothy Porter

Black Inc., $24.95 pb, 160 pp, 9781863954464

From the New Issue