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Late Night Shopping by Rhyll McMaster

May 2012, no. 341

Late Night Shopping by Rhyll McMaster

Brandl & Schlesinger, $24.95 pb, 80 pp, 9781921556302

Late Night Shopping by Rhyll McMaster

May 2012, no. 341

Broadly speaking, there are two types of epitaphs: those formulated by loved ones to describe the living qualities of the interred; and those that would presume to speak from the grave. Writers, ever reluctant to pass up a blank page – even if it is a tombstone – are disproportionate constituents of the latter. H.G. Wells, father of science fiction, penned his epitaph: ‘Goddamn you all: I told you so.’ Dorothy Parker quipped ‘Excuse My Dust’, while Charles Bukowski, abandoning humour for something bleaker, counselled: ‘Don’t try.’ Rhyll McMaster, who happily still dwells among the living, claims her epitaph will one day read: ‘No-one knows.’

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