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Frontier Justice by Andy Lamey & Contesting Citizenship by Anne McNevin

April 2012, no. 340

Frontier Justice: The global refugee crisis and what to do about it by Andy Lamey

University of Queensland Press, $34.95 pb, 416 pp,

Book 2 Cover Small (400 x 600)

Contesting Citizenship: Irregular migrants and new frontiers of the political by Anne McNevin

Columbia University Press (Footprint Books), $68 hb, 240 pp,

Frontier Justice by Andy Lamey & Contesting Citizenship by Anne McNevin

April 2012, no. 340

Australian advocates of a harsh line against asylum seekers arriving by boat often base their arguments on a concern for the protection of human life. Unless we deter boat people, so the reasoning goes, ever greater numbers will set out on the dangerous voyage from Indonesia, and more and more lives will be lost at sea. This may sound like a novel position, but, as Andy Lamey makes clear in Frontier Justice: The Global Refugee Crisis and What to Do about It, the argument is well worn. In the early 1990s, Presidents Bush Sr and Clinton used similar justifications to defend a policy of intercepting boats from Haiti and returning them directly to Port au Prince, without making any assessment as to whether those on board might have claims to protection from Haiti’s dictatorial régime.

From the New Issue

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