On Leadership: Lessons for the 21st century by Tony Blair
by Gordon Pentland •
Great Game On: The contest for central Asia and global supremacy by Geoff Raby
by Nick Hordern •
On Xi Jinping: How Xi’s Marxist Nationalism is shaping China and the world by Kevin Rudd
by Neil Thomas •
Another England: How to reclaim our national story by Caroline Lucas
by Ben Wellings •
A Better Australia: Politics, public policy and how to achieve lasting reform by John Brumby, Scott Hamilton, and Stuart Kells
by Frank Bongiorno •
The Art of Power: My story as America’s first woman Speaker of the House by Nancy Pelosi
by Marilyn Lake •
A recent advertisement in The Guardian headed ‘Can’t get enough of the US election?’ prompted reflections on our seeming obsession with the current presidential campaign. Myriad readers follow the contest closely, almost compulsively. On the hour, we check the major websites for the latest polls or Trumpian excesses. In a way, the election feels more urgent, galvanising, consequential, and downright entertaining then next year’s federal election.
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