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Hidden Author

Index for 2014: Nos 358–367

Indexes 07 January 2015
Reviews Index 2014 ABDEL-FATTAH, Randa, Jodie: This is the Book of You, Omnibus Books, 359/59, Ruth Starke ACTON, SARA, Poppy Cat, Scholastic, 363/362, Stephanie Owen Reeder ADELAIDE, Debra, Letter to George Clooney, Picador, 359/36, Amy Baillieu ADELMAN, Jeremy, Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman, Princeton University Press, 364/29, Adrian Walsh ADELMAN, Jeremy (ed.), The ... (read more)

ABR contributor list (1961-1974)

About Australian Book Review 06 January 2015
Welcome to the ABR contributor list for the first series (1961–74). Here you will find a list of all the contributors who have written for ABR since 1961–74 and the issue numbers in which they were published. You can download the PDF of the list here: Contributor_List_for_First_Series Below is the list of issue numbers for that period. As you will see, the original series was organised into ... (read more)

Letters to the Editor – Jan-Feb 2015

January-February 2015, no. 368 18 December 2014
Radiant Young Leaders Dear Editor, Are Richard Broinowski (and family) seeking to don the mantle of apologists for the rulers of North Korea (review of Paul French’s North Korea: State of Paranoia in ABR, October 2014)? At the end of his enthusiastic review, Broinowski tosses off this fulsome compliment: ‘It belongs, in rare company, on the same shelf as the enlightened works of the American ... (read more)

News from the Editor's Desk

January-February 2015, no. 368 17 December 2014
Vipers and whistleblowers Much has been written about the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards (PMLAs), now in their seventh year. Advances was at the National Gallery of Victoria on 8 December when the winners were named. An opulent affair, it was televised by Sky News and SBS à la the Man Booker Prize. The Great Hall – deemed rather small by one distinguished literary editor from Sydney – wa ... (read more)

2015 Jolley Prize

Competitions and programs 18 December 2014
Australian Book Review is delighted to announce Rob Magnuson Smith has won the 2015 ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize for his story 'The Elector of Nossnearly'. Steven Carroll announced Rob as the overall winner at the 2015 Brisbane Writers Festival. Michelle Cahill placed second for her story 'Borges and I' and Harriet McKnight came third for her story 'Crest'. Subscribers can read all three ... (read more)

Tracy Ryan is Poet of the Month

January-February 2015, no. 368 01 January 2015
Which poets have most influenced you? Shakespeare, Donne, Emily Brontë, Dickinson, Hopkins, Hardy, Rilke, Dylan Thomas, Roethke, Plath, Hughes, Heaney, Judith Wright. Are poems ‘inspired’ or mainly the work of craft? Both. Craft alone might produce what is called verse, but without an inspired element it would be dull. Inspiration alone might wing it, but can also be pretty dull for the re ... (read more)

2014 Arts Highlights of the Year

ABR Arts 11 December 2014
To complement our popular ‘Books of the Year’ feature, to highlight ABR’s fast-expanding arts coverage, and to celebrate some excellent music, theatre, and film, we invited a group of critics and arts professionals to nominate some of their favourite productions of the year. Robyn Archer Dawn Upshaw’s concerts with the Australian Chamber Orchestra were staggeringly beautiful. Conceived ... (read more)

Annual Reviews

About Australian Book Review 10 December 2014
Our Annual Review showcases major highlights of ABR's publishing year and features key programs such as events, prizes, fellowships, and our philanthropy program. ABR Annual Review 2018 ABR Annual Review 2017 ABR Annual Review 2016 ABR Annual Review 2015 ABR Annual Review 2014 ... (read more)

Open Page with Robert Dessaix

December 2014, no. 367 01 December 2014
Why do you write? Because it’s magic – it turns the frog of life into a prince. (Or is it the other way round?) And it is, as Wilde once said of smoking, so exquisitely unsatisfying. Actually, the real reason I write is that talking, either aloud or on paper, is the only thing I’m good at. Are you a vivid dreamer? In terms of colour, yes. Most of my dreams are very Le Grand Meaulnes, tho ... (read more)

Letters to the Editor – December 2014

December 2014, no. 367 26 November 2014
‘Pure, incidental song’ Dear Editor, Your readers cannot have failed to detect the unsympathetic undertone running through Susan Sheridan’s politely disengaged account of my edition of Lesbia Harford’s poetry (ABR, November 2014), culminating as it did in the cool injunction to visit the Poetry Library website. Those lines from ‘Mortal Poems’ (‘I think each year should bring / Litt ... (read more)