Australian Book Review (founded in 1961) was revived in 1978. It is one of Australia’s longest-standing major cultural magazines, presenting high-quality journalism and new writing for the widest possible audience. It engages with all the arts, not just literature. It is diverse in terms of content, writers, and partners, and provides a needed forum for new Australian writers and reviewers. ABR is committed to raising the standard of cultural criticism in Australia.
You can help to entertain and edify generations of new readers. Have you considered making a gift in your will to ABR? What better way is there to make a long-term contribution to our literary culture? Bequests help us to offer literary prizes, to commission more new writing and literary journalism, to fund literary fellowships, to increase payments to writers, and to broaden our internship program for bright young writers and editors.
If you would like to discuss making a gift in your will to ABR, please contact the Editor and CEO Peter Rose: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone (03) 9699 8822.
Bequests and notified bequests to ABR
Gillian Appleton
Ian Dickson AM
John Button (1933-2008)
Peter Corrigan AM (1941-2016)
Dr Kerryn Goldsworthy
Kimberly Kushman McCarthy and Julian McCarthy
Dr Ann Moyal AM (1926-2019)
Peter Rose
Dr Francesca Jurate Sasnaitis
John Scully
Denise Smith
Anonymous (3)