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Last month, in more confessional mode than usual (needs must!), we wrote about ABR’s funding predicament in 2024: without federal funds and with only one state arts grant. Readers seemed shocked by the stark comparison between 2019 (when ABR received a total of $245,000 from six governments around the country) and 2024 (a total of $12,000, all from Arts South Australia).

Since then the response from supporters – regular donors and a pleasing number of new ABR Patrons (all listed on page 4) – has been extraordinary. Pace sceptics who always said that Australians will never support literature in the same way they support other sectors and related charities, ABR continues to receive sterling support from those who believe that Australia deserves a sophisticated literary magazine culture of its own, not just an imported one.

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The season of giving

Close readers of our Patrons page will note many new additions to this month’s listing, including several substantial donations. Some of these followed a Melbourne function on 1 May, at which ABR Editor Peter Rose, ABR Chair Sarah Holland-Batt, and ABR Laureate Robyn Archer all spoke. This was an opportunity for ABR to thank its many supporters and to highlight new developments and opportunities.

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Calibre Essay Prize

Tracey Slaughter – a poet, fiction writer, and essayist from Aotearoa New Zealand – has won the 2024 Calibre Essay Prize. Her name will be familiar to ABR readers: she was runner-up in the 2018 Peter Porter Poetry Prize. Overseas writers have been shortlisted for Calibre in the past, but Tracey becomes the first to claim first prize.

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Brisbane crackers

The Brisbane Writers’ Festival has come and gone with great success and a sizeable audience. ABR sponsored a session: Chris Wallace-Crabbe, Tim Milfull, Brenda Niall and Peter Rose (photographed by Judith Potts below) discussed ‘The Art of Literary Criticism’. On the Sunday, Delia Falconer launched our October issue: ‘a cracker’, in her words. Describing ABR as ‘an ideal as much as a magazine, and an essential part of our literary culture’, Delia wished us ‘a long and argumentative life to come’ and urged everyone to subscribe. Many did rather than running the gauntlet of the four volunteers who assisted us throughout the festival, and to whom we are grateful.

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Last month it was autobiography’s turn, when David McCooey examined recent Australian memoirs (La Trobe University Essay, ABR, May 2006). Now it is biography’s turn: the genre will be the subject of the 2006 Australian Book Review/La Trobe University Annual Lecture, titled ‘Matters of Life and Death: The Return of Biography’. Our distinguished lecturer is Professor Ian Donaldson, Director of the ANU’s Humanities Research Centre, head of the latter’s new Biography Institute, and Consultant Editor for The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. He is a general editor of The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Ben Jonson (due for publication in twenty-five volumes in 2007), and is completing a life of Jonson for OUP.

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Read the advances from the advances from the March 2024 issue of ABR.

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Read the advances from the advances from the January-February 2024 issue of ABR

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Advances - December 2023

by Australian Book Review
December 2023, no. 460

Read the advances from the December 2023 issue of ABR.

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Advances - November 2023

by Australian Book Review
November 2023, no. 459

Read the Advances from the November 2023 issue of ABR.

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Advances - October 2023

by Australian Book Review
October 2023, no. 458

Read the advances from the October 2023 issue of ABR.

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