Review copies
Australian Book Review welcomes the interest of publishers and self-published authors and encourages them to familiarise themselves with our publication. While ABR receives many books and cannot commission reviews of them all, we welcome unsolicited review copies of titles that meet ABR’s interests and purview.
Please send books to ABR:
Australian Book Review
Studio 2, 207 City Road
Southbank, VIC 3006
We may ask you for PDFs of certain titles that are especially time-sensitive or that are destined for reviewers in distant locations.
ABR welcomes advertising and offers a variety of platforms and packages to suit different marketing strategies and budgets. This includes advertising in print, on our website, in our regular e-newsletters, and on our weekly podcast. ABR would be delighted to discuss circulation figures and characteristics, art requirements, timelines, prices, and package options. Please contact Georgina Arnott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Will Hunt on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
ABR Podcast
ABR’s weekly podcast features a mix of reviews, as read by the reviewer, and interviews with ABR contributors and book authors. While we welcome interest in the ABR podcast from publishers and are open to pitches from them, ABR commissions and produces all content on its podcast.
How do publishers have their books reviewed in ABR?
ABR encourages publishers and self-published authors to consider whether their book would be suitable for reviewing in ABR by familiarising themselves with the publication. We do not commission reviews for payment or in exchange for advertising.
If you would like a book from your publishing house or independent press to be considered for review, please fill out the form below and send it with a copy of the book to the ABR postal address. Due to the volume of submissions and our small staff, we cannot guarantee a review and nor do we contact you personally to advise on the commissioning status