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States of Poetry 2016 QLD Podcast | 'the black hand of Badia Elmi' by Nathan Shepherdson

States of Poetry Podcast - Series One 23 June 2016
In this episode of Australian Book Review's States of Poetry podcast, Nathan Shepherdson reads his poem 'the black hand of Badia Elmi' which features in the 2016 Queensland anthology.   the black hand of Badia Elmi     Nathan Shepherdson 'the black hand of Badia Elmi' appears in 'States of Poetry - QLD'. You can learn more about States of Poetry and read the full antholo ... (read more)

States of Poetry 2016 SA Podcast | 'The Silence of Siskins' by Jelena Dinic

States of Poetry Podcast - Series One 23 June 2016
In this episode of Australian Book Review's States of Poetry podcast, Jelena Dinic reads her poem 'The Silence of Siskins' which features in the 2016 South Australian anthology.   The Silence of Siskins for my grandfather He circles my arrivalon the calendar. It is late Novemberand it doesn't snow. A wooden pallethardens his bed. He dreams of grandmother.He doesn't want new dreams. ... (read more)

States of Poetry 2016 SA Podcast | 'Babysitting' by Jelena Dinic

States of Poetry Podcast - Series One 23 June 2016
In this episode of Australian Book Review's States of Poetry podcast, Jelena Dinic reads her poem 'Babysitting' which features in the 2016 South Australian anthology.   Babysitting for Mia I wore my grandmother's clothesand sat on her doorstep.Monday to Friday.She talked.I lied. 'I'll teach you how to write,' I saidpretending I couldhold a pen.'Mouse will eat your ears,' she smiled. A ... (read more)

States of Poetry 2016 SA Podcast | 'Handbag' by Jelena Dinic

States of Poetry Podcast - Series One 23 June 2016
In this episode of Australian Book Review's States of Poetry podcast, Jelena Dinic reads her poem 'Handbag' which features in the 2016 South Australian anthology.   Handbag after Vasko Popa Always ready to leaveleavingeach time furtherfrom the whispersof the grass. She has forgottenher death,the calf she once was. Curled around an arma new name sewninto her mouthshe's been there, done ... (read more)

States of Poetry 2016 SA Podcast | 'Alterations to the little black dress' by Jelena Dinic

States of Poetry Podcast - Series One 23 June 2016
In this episode of Australian Book Review's States of Poetry podcast, Jelena Dinic reads her poem 'Alterations to the little black dress' which features in the 2016 South Australian anthology.   Alterations to the little black dress A little pin-upthree fingersabove the knees. Behind the curtaina dress-up game –pretty things come undone. He chalks lineson raw stitches.I catwalk. My ... (read more)

States of Poetry 2016 NSW Podcast | 'Mauvement' by Toby Fitch

States of Poetry Podcast - Series One 23 June 2016
In this episode of Australian Book Review's States of Poetry podcast, Toby Fitch reads his poem 'Mauvement' which features in the 2016 New South Wales anthology.   Mauvement  Toby Fitch  'Mauvement' appears in 'States of Poetry - NSW'. You can learn more about States of Poetry and read the full anthologies here Read Toby Fitch's biography in 'States of Poetry - NSW' ... (read more)

States of Poetry 2016 NSW Podcast | 'Diva Maintenance' by Toby Fitch

States of Poetry Podcast - Series One 23 June 2016
In this episode of Australian Book Review's States of Poetry podcast, Toby Fitch reads his poem 'Diva Maintenance' which features in the 2016 New South Wales anthology.   Diva Maintenance her temper tanty's sus but your mites say sassy's entering the pleather dome lookin'poised w/ noose & savvy much obliged toglorify her cunning firm & toutits nous for oblivion where the pert ve ... (read more)