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Hidden Author

Open Page with John Tranter

June 2012, no. 342 22 May 2012
Why do you write? When I was young I tried different things: drawing, painting, music, poetry, short stories, journalism, reviewing, but poetry turned out to be what I was best at. Are you a vivid dreamer? Oh, yes. I always dream in colour, and I can remember how things are oriented in my dreams — which way is north, I mean, and where the coast is. I think I developed that talent as a ch ... (read more)

News from the Editor's Desk

May 2012, no. 341 24 April 2012
  New home for ABR Happily, ABR has a new home, well away from the egregious fashions of Bridge Road, Richmond. Soon we will be moving to a new community hub in Melbourne’s Southbank precinct. The City of Melbourne has renovated the nineteenth-century J.H. Boyd Girls’ High School on City Road, and our new office (not finished when we took this photograph!) will be infinitely superior ... (read more)

Letters to the Editor

May 2012, no. 341 24 April 2012
 Muddying the waters Dear Editor, A substantial part of Peter Hill’s review of my book Permanent Revolution: Mike Brown and the Australian Avant-Garde 1953–1997 recounts the artist’s prosecution for obscenity following the visit of the head of the Darlinghurst vice squad to Brown’s exhibition Paintin’ A Go-Go at Sydney’s Gallery A in November 1965 (March 2012). As I pointed out ... (read more)

News from the Editor's Desk

April 2012, no. 340 21 March 2012
  Peter Porter Poetry Prize Michael Farrell is the winner of the 2012 Peter Porter Poetry Prize, worth $4000. Our judges, Judith Beveridge and David McCooey, selected his poem, ‘Beautiful Mother’, from almost 800 entries. On learning of his success, Mr Farrell told Advances: It’s exciting to have won the Peter Porter Poetry Prize, especially from such a large field. It’s an honour ... (read more)

Letters to the Editor – April 2012

April 2012, no. 340 21 March 2012
 Kerr the contextualist Dear Editor, Andrew Sayers’s thoughtful review of The Cambridge Companion to Australian Art (February 2012) encourages one to read this book that marks ‘the maturity of a new orthodoxy for Australian art’. However, it was his last two paragraphs that really caught my attention. Sayers refers to the omission of Joan Kerr and to her work in melding Australian art ... (read more)

Announcing the Peter Porter Poetry Prize shortlist

From the Editor’s Desk 02 March 2012
Each year we honour the great Australian poet Peter Porter (1929–2010) through our poetry competition – and in the process generate much new poetry. This year we received almost 800 poems in the highly alliterative Peter Porter Poetry Prize. This is almost twice the number we received last year – a measure of the growing popularity of the Porter Prize and, one suspects, of the recent and mos ... (read more)

News from the Editor's Desk

March 2012, no. 339 01 March 2012
  Enter the Jolley Prize Exponents of short fiction will have until 31 May to enter the ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize. This year’s prize money is divided three ways. The winner will again receive $5000; the two place-getters will receive $2000 and $1000. Last year, the inaugural Jolley Prize attracted almost 1300 entries. Multiple entries are fine. A separate entry form is neede ... (read more)

Letters to the Editor – March 2012

March 2012, no. 339 01 March 2012
 Oz Lit at Melbourne University Dear Editor, The English program at the University of Melbourne has offered courses on Australian literature every year since 1982, when it was first introduced as a full seminar subject. Stephanie Guest’s article in last month’s issue of ABR, ‘Oz Lit in the Moot Court Room: Finding Australian Literature at the University of Melbourne’, mistakenly rep ... (read more)

News from the Editor's Desk

February 2012, no. 338 23 January 2012
  ABR Fellowship news Our largest and strongest field to date vied for the latest Australian Book Review Sidney Myer Fund Fellowship, worth $5000. The four judges – Tony Birch, Helen Brack, Colin Golvan, and Peter Rose – chose Sydney writer, critic, and anthologist Felicity Plunkett. Dr Plunkett will examine the music of Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu and its reception. Her profile of this ... (read more)

Letters to the Editor - February 2012

February 2012, no. 338 23 January 2012
Before Manning Clark Dear Editor, Norman Etherington’s lively review of Mark McKenna’s book on Manning Clark repeats the claim that Clark was ‘the first academic (in 1946) to offer a full-length course in Australian history’ (December 2011–January 2012). R.M. Crawford, the professor who appointed Clark to give the 1946 course, had himself done so in the previous year to twenty or so st ... (read more)