Glyn Davis
Originally published in German, Albrecht Dümling’s The Vanished Musicians: Jewish refugees in Australia (Peter Lang), a fascinating compendium of Jewish musicians who found refuge in Australia in the 1930s and 1940s, is now available in Australian Diana K. Weekes’s excellent translation ...
... (read more)Think Again: Contrarian Reflections on Life, Culture, Politics, Religion, Law, and Education by Stanley Fish
by Glyn Davis •
Jennifer Maiden's The Fox Petition: New Poems (Giramondo) conjures foxes 'whose eyes were ghosts with pity' and foxes of language that transform the world's headlines
... (read more)The Global Republic: America's Inadvertent Rise to World Power by Frank Ninkovich
by Glyn Davis •
Books of the Year is always one our most popular features. Find out what our 41 contributors liked most this year – and why.
... (read more)Just Freedom: A moral compass for a complex world by Philip Pettit
by Glyn Davis •
Fire and Ashes: Success and failure in politics by Michael Ignatieff
by Glyn Davis •