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Ter Borch would know him, this latter-day companion
          of the cavalryman bowed on his mount,
shoulders and haunches sapped with exhaustion: and Sherman,
          bright-eyed, red-handed, a hellion to order:
and the mailed believers of Krak.

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The music stopped

This had been expected.

Paintings were stilled

And books lay mute.

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Torrid noon, I’m high in my mulberry harvest.


So, what is it with this tree? Lower branches, I click

quickly left or right – fingers safebreaker light

on the gorged capsules, and they detach,

drop, thuk and whole into my plastic bucket.

Yet from the tree-peak where the fattest fruit

clusters against the sun, O I must pinch

and wrest until the berries burst like bloodspray.

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Her hand in mine

she walks looking back

at all the bright colours –

that’s a funny man.

She says what she feels

and teaches me what I thought I used to know.

The warmth of her hand

the sense that she will never let go,

even though her body

is twisting back to examine

a piece of glass with writing on it.

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In ABR's seventh 'Poem of the Week' Stephen Edgar discusses and reads his poem 'Man on the Moon'.

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Fold out evenings, chairs in the street.

‘See Iridium?’ Making out the satellite pantheon:

efficient gods that do return our prayers

(small voices cast across our desert spaces)

                                    like stars —

                                    like Clint Eastwood

                                    riding impassive

                                    through our networks of desire.

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From here the Palisades are another country,

their brindled cliffs seamy with snow,

the Hudson in its Acheron vein between us,

a hawk patrolling its course.

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hi friend im a guy who loves

deeply and cops love pounding

and still a nice rootable future

looking for someone needs arise

in a few words a besides the

all ex i adore

and a telephone number

woe betide my joys and sorrows

ill reply to all letters signed 68kg

uncut cop the reply letters all

hi guy woe im pounding i

adore ex cops and my

future nice guy friend im

the reply number arise needs

joys still im hi friend and deeply

ill i love someone besides a few

rootable sorrows and looking for

words i adore my telephone numb

er the reply cops pounding

the letters uncut and

ex looking words

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Grennan takes another corded strand between his fingers,

moves it through a plane, then interlaces it to add dimension,

utility, beauty; then he takes a swig from his bottle,

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This six a.m. moment
in the cool-blue cool
of early morning
is not eternal.

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