Australian poetry has always been influenced by international literary trends, especially avant-garde or experimental ones, from the French Symbolists to US 'Language Writing' from around 1970 to the present. A curious aspect of this has been a kind of hybrid poet who can straddle both 'experimental' and 'romantic' traditions. Given the increased popularity of experimental writing in Australia, it ... (read more)
A.J. Carruthers

A. J. Carruthers is a poet, essayist and scholar in long poems and musico-poetics. Poems have appeared in the Anthology of Asian-Australian Poets (Puncher and Wattmann) and a range of literary magazines. He has also created a chapbook, The Tulip Beds: a toneme suite (Vagabond, 2013), and an assortment of artworks / artists’ books. He holds a PhD in English at the University of Sydney. Axis Book 1: ‘Areal’ is his first full-length collection and the first book in the first part of a lifelong long poem: HEMISPHERE.