O Hail! to the days of wine and typhus,the arrangements of battlefields in early spring,the glory of a factory that rifts your bodybefore it wipes your mind, religions vividas blood sacrifice. Rise up King Pepe!Pwn the noob descending the staircase,these Chads will know the beta’s far cry.
PTSD was straightforwardwhen you could just belt your wife.These days all we have is a toilet stallwhere y ... (read more)
Liam Ferney

Liam Ferney's most recent collection Content (2016, Hunter Publishing) was shortlisted for the Judith Wright Calanthe Award. His previous collections are Boom (2013, Grand Parade Poets) and Popular Mechanics (2004, Interactive Press). He is a media manager, poet and aspiring left back living in Brisbane.
What happens after the rain is pure speculationAnd this is a weekend where I exhale my body weightIn cigarette smoke and a hangover’s regretsAnd The Boss’ call and response calibratesAnd my city blossoms like an orchid or a cancerSpreading over an investor’s heritage listingAnd this is what it’s like when the evening three stepPicks up a fourth The heart’s dervishOr a carnival ride carny ... (read more)
The marker: Bruce Lee happy snappingOpposite Trajan’s stables.Not up to scratch, we replaceDostoyevsky with an appAnd clap enthusiasticallyAt the dud soundtrack’s tub.
When the Premier dished outShit sandwiches in the ExecutiveShe called them pineapples.They swapped ironic giftsPost-catastrophe.Now: giant, projected,They hew facesLike burns.
Of course I’m obtuse.Civilisation is all aboutMe ... (read more)
a gunman is a gunman is a gunmanlike the chorus line tryout i felt nothing
it was worth noting the small matterof gathering rare ingredients for a drink
a monday morning death tollas specific as thursday’s Powerball
this time he can’t be arsed with the filterit doesn’t come up at the crumbs
of somebody from the health team’s birthdayin a lunch room packed with a mail out
she forgets a ... (read more)
my name is abundance his name is lovecharlie doesn’t advise does charliecommand? accrete necessary detailsyou can parse anything try
what’s a poor girl to do? parade usas students we are your daughterswe lived as armies liberate villageswe all knew money wasn’t pure
my name is disturbance his name is loveyou have an awful lot of guessesEisenhower’s front had fadedthe judge couldn’t com ... (read more)