This is no ordinary history book. It is in part an account of a massacre and in part a biographical study of one of the perpetrators, Patrick Bernard O’Leary, yet it reads more like a novel, or a prosecutor’s statement in court, than like a conventional history. It is a truly angry book, full of rage at the fact that the perpetrators of a massacre were never brought to justice, rage at the jus ... (read more)
Ann Curthoys

Ann Curthoys is a historian who writes about Australian history, especially Indigenous history, and historical writing. Her books include Freedom Ride: A Freedom Rider Remembers (2002); with John Docker, Is History Fiction? (2005, 2010); with Jessie Mitchell, Taking Liberty: Indigenous Rights and Settler Self-Government in Colonial Australia, 1830-1890 (2018); and, with Shino Konishi and Alexandra Ludewig, The Lives and Legacies of a Carceral Island: a biographical history of Wadjemup/Rottnest Island (2022).