However much we may locate the joy of travel in the sudden revelations of a new experience, one of its most enduring pleasures lies in collecting for later. For the collector–traveller, journeys abroad offer an escape from the familiar and, as importantly, a chance to assemble a different kind of education from the one we receive at home, a living textbook shaped by first-hand encounters and the ... (read more)
Kári Gíslason

Kári Gíslason teaches creative writing and literary studies at Queensland University of Technology. His book The Promise of Iceland was published by University of Queensland Press in 2011. His last book, co-authored with Richard Fidler, was Saga Land: The Island of Stories at the Edge of the World.
One way of classifying biographies is to divide them into those that apply their own interpretative framework – be it psychoanalytic, gender-based, socio-historical, and so on – to a given subject and those that aim to meet the subject, on their own terms, or at least in terms that the subject would recognise. There are good and bad things to say about both approaches, but Sue Prideaux’s lif ... (read more)