If between one footfall and the next, the wind can swivel and issue empty threats of rain, for all we know this could be one of those days, unpinpointable even in retrospect, when a dimly held belief begins to melt, say the belief that it’s somehow generous to assume that everyone’s rather like you. An open-ended day promising nothing, but just as full of zipjams, language splashes and thixot ... (read more)
Chris Andrews

Chris Andrews has taught at the Universities of Melbourne and Western Sydney. He is the author of two collections of poems: Cut Lunch (Indigo, 2002) and Lime Green Chair (Waywiser, 2012). His study of the Oulipo, How to Do Things with Forms, was published by McGill-Queen’s University Press in 2022. Currently he is translating You Glow in the Dark by the Bolivian writer Liliana Colanzi.