I fear for Fred’s life. It has been three days since the bite and still he has not moved. I am saving the crusts from the huge pasties Dr. Darnell’s housekeeper brings me each day, but he just lies – eyes unseeing. He has not eaten or drunk.
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Carrie Tiffany

Carrie Tiffany was born in West Yorkshire and grew up in Western Australia. She spent her early twenties working as a park ranger in the Northern Territory and now lives in Melbourne where she works as an agricultural journalist. Her first novel, Everyman’s Rules for Scientific Living, was shortlisted for the Miles Franklin Literary Award, the Victorian Premier’s Fiction Prize, the Orange Prize for Fiction, and the Guardian First Book Award. Her new novel, Mateship with Birds, will be published by Picador in February 2012.
Before he left the family, my father worked as a sales representative for a pharmaceutical company. He travelled from chemist to chemist with samples of pills and lotions and pastes in the back of his Valiant station wagon. The best sales representatives visited modern chemists in the city and suburbs. My father had to drive long distances to country chemists who had stocked the same product lines ... (read more)