It is quite an apposite time for the appearance of Nick Cook’s Fighting for Our Lives: The history of a community response to AIDS, when the world is dealing with the impact of another deadly virus. There are always lessons to be learned: where better to start than from historical experience.
It was nearly four decades ago, in November 1982, that the first case of HIV/AIDS was diagnosed in Sydn ... (read more)
Garry Wotherspoon

Garry Wotherspoon is a writer and historian, a former academic and a former NSW History Fellow. His books include Sydney’s Transport: Studies in urban history; Being Different: Nine gay men remember; The Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts: A history (shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s History Awards); and Gay Sydney: A history (shortlisted for the Queensland Literary Awards). He was awarded Australia’s Centenary of Federation medal for his work as an academic, researcher, and human rights activist.