Virtuosic performance text, palimpsest of a nineteenth-century Russian folktale, and a merciless and often very funny sectioning of the self, Ania Walwicz’s horse enacts what it names: ‘Polyphony as identity’. The narrative more or less follows the story of The Little Humpbacked Horse by Piotr Jerszow, in which a magical horse repeatedly helps Ivan, a foolish young farm boy, towards his fair ... (read more)
Bernard Cohen

Bernard Cohen is a Sydney-based writer and director of The Writing Workshop. His latest book, the story collection When I Saw the Animal (UQP), was published in September 2018. Bernard’s last novel, The Antibiography of Robert F. Menzies, won the 2015 Russell Prize for Humour Writing. His poem 'Fruit Barn' was shortlisted for the 2018 Overland Fair Australia Poetry Prize. For Bernard’s writing, see For his teaching, please visit