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Hidden Author

Poem of the Week - Alexis Lateef reads 'Girl in Fremantle Bookshop'

Poem of the Week 20 April 2016
In this episode of 'Poem of the Week' Alexis Lateef reads 'Girl in Fremantle Bookshop'. ABR Editor, Peter Rose, introduces Alexis who then reads and discusses her poem.     Girl in Fremantle Bookshop You squirrel away musty editions of Virginia Woolfbut living in Fremantle, with its failing shopsand unstable rents, was going to hurt –surviving on Vegemite is not sustainable. ... (read more)

Poem of the Week - Graham Akhurst reads 'The Kadaitcha Sung'

Poem of the Week 20 April 2016
In this episode of 'Poem of the Week' Graham Akhurst reads 'The Kadaitcha Sung'. ABR Editor, Peter Rose, introduces Graham who then reads and discusses his poem.     The Kadaitcha Sung  A black featherwhisperednascent swoonsburiedunder moonlit gleameddark skin clandestineit waitsKadaitcha a reminderin haunted spaceof darkness under light   Graham Akhurst   Graha ... (read more)

The Update - April 19, 2016

ABR Arts 19 April 2016
William Shakespeare - 23 April April 23 – as if you didn't know already – marks the four hundredth anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, greatest of poets and playwrights. It was also his birthday, of course. We note this anniversary with a review of the current Bell Shakespeare production of Romeo and Juliet, by Andrew Fuhrmann. The season continues at Arts Centre Melbourne until ... (read more)

States of Poetry 2016 - South Australia | About Aidan Coleman

States of Poetry South Australia - Series One 22 February 2016
Aidan Coleman is a poet, critic and speechwriter. He has published two collections of poetry: Avenues & Runways and Asymmetry, shortlisted for awards including the NSW Premier's Kenneth Slessor Prize, the Adelaide Festival Awards for Literature and the Western Australian Premier's Book Awards. Aidan has received numerous grants and residencies, most recently at the Heinrich Böll Cottage (Ir ... (read more)

News from the Editor's Desk - April 2016

April 2016, no. 380 01 April 2016
Porter Prize winner Amanda Joy, from Western Australia, was named overall winner of the Peter Porter Poetry Prize at a Boyd ceremony on 9 March. Her poem is entitled 'Tailings'. All five shortlisted poets introduced and read their poems – two of them disembodiedly (Lisa Gluskin Stonestreet from the United States, Dan Disney from Korea). Amanda Joy received $5,000 and a print by Arthur Boyd; the ... (read more)

Letters to the Editor - April 2016

April 2016, no. 380 31 March 2016
TROVE CURTAILED Dear Editor, As President of the Australian Historical Association, on 2 March I sent the following letter to the Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP, Prime Minister of Australia, (and copied it to the Hon. Bill Shorten MP, Leader of the Opposition; Senator the Hon. Mitch Fifield, Minister for the Arts; and the Hon. Mark Dreyfus QC, MP, Shadow Minister for the Arts): Dear Mr Turnbull, A ... (read more)

The Update - March 22, 2016

ABR Arts 22 February 2016
Florence Foster Jenkins Why is bad singing so funny? Why do missed high notes induce such hilarity? Is it all vaudeville or a case of Schadenfreude? Curiously, we have two new films about the egregious soprano par excellence, Florence Foster Jenkins (whose awful recordings are legendary and who died soon after giving a disastrous recital in Carnegie Hall in 1944). The first – Marguerite, direct ... (read more)

Peter Porter Poetry Prize Judges' Report 2016

Competitions and programs 10 March 2016
More than 700 poets entered this year's Peter Porter Poetry Prize; just over 200 of these entries came from overseas. The judges were Luke Davies, Lisa Gorton and Kate Middleton. They completed their judgement without knowing the name, gender, background or nationality of any entrant. This prize honours Peter Porter and its judges seek to honour him not only in name but in principle: by valuing v ... (read more)

2016 Winner

Competitions and programs 10 March 2016
Australian Book Review is delighted to announce that Amanda Joy has won the 2016 Peter Porter Poetry Prize for her poem 'Tailings'. Morag Fraser named Amanda Joy as the overall winner at a ceremony in the ABR office at Boyd Community Hub. She receives $5,000 for her poem, which was selected from a field of around 730 poems. She also receives Arthur Boyd's etching and aquatint 'The unicorn and th ... (read more)

The Update - March 8, 2016

ABR Arts 22 February 2016
The return of Olivier Messiaen Olivier Messiaen's masterpiece for solo piano Vingt regards sur l'enfant-Jésus was last performed in Melbourne in February 2009 – days after the opening of the Melbourne Recital Centre. Steven Osborne was the soloist on that occasion. His was a memorable performance – in front of a pitifully small audience, not helped by the eccentric programming so typical of ... (read more)