Not since I was four or five at mostand in the first of many striped tee-shirtshave I been this close to the flavour of safety.I’m walking into town again, the child of hills.You bought me fish and chips for lunch, my ownadult portion because I asked for it, in Evans’stiled restaurant, the Alhambra of takeaways.
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Will Eaves

Will Eaves most recent book, The Absent Therapist, was shortlisted for the Goldsmiths Prize 2014 and will be published in Australia by Penguin later this year.
If I were to write down a listof everything I miss I’d missthe most important thing,an irregular pearl. Not gifts –books on corvids, Wild Lone,‘Ballad of Gordon, Alpha Cock,who clawed to death a foxand Bedlington terrier’ – or this
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What’s missing from this floor? The furniture, but also the reason
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The Captain’s keen to explore, go deeper, Take core samples, measure astronomical tilt. He says the clues are down there and the truth; Our forebears, numerously well-preserved, Point to the paradox of their success: death Learnt from them and wore a cunning face.
We throng the younger layers of sediment, Lie curled in the embrace of great forests That overran new land, perished, grew back. A ... (read more)