Michael Farrell

Michael Farrell won the 2012 Peter Porter Poetry Prize. Recent books include Family Trees and I Love Poetry (both published by Giramondo), the scholarly Writing Australian Unsettlement: Modes of Poetic Invention 1796–1945 (Palgrave Macmillan), and, as editor, Ashbery Mode (TinFish), an Australian tribute to John Ashbery. Born in Bombala, NSW, in 1965, Michael has lived in Melbourne since 1990.
You’ve always associated the two terms together partly due to your reading of Schiller; partly due to your watching of Kimba. Kimba sublimates his mother in the water. You’ve always thought your mother a baroque figure. You go into the forest. You make something from a tree: a book a club. Material comes from the mother; also happiness, and therefore beauty. The mother expects love and finds ... (read more)