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Australian Book Review seeks a new Editor and CEO


About Australian Book Review

Australian Book Review (ABR) seeks a new Editor and Chief Executive Officer to lead the country’s premier literary and cultural magazine.

ABR is a prestigious and successful organisation with deep roots in Australian cultural life. It is diverse in terms of content, platforms, writers, and partners. It provides a needed forum for new Australian writers and reviewers, and it is committed to delivering the highest standard of arts criticism in Australia.

ABR is an independent not-for-profit monthly magazine governed by an independent Board, managed by a small, skilled editorial and management team, and committed to the publication and promotion of creative and critical writing of the highest standard.

ABR publishes reviews, essays, commentaries, interviews and new creative writing by about 300 writers each year. The magazine is national in readership, authorship, distribution, events, and partners. It is available in print and online.

Through ABR Arts, the magazine engages with all the arts and reviews films, plays, operas, concerts, dance, festivals, and art exhibitions.

In recent years ABR has evolved in ways that distinguish it from most magazines. Innovations include a digital archive going back to 1978, writers’ fellowships, editorial cadetships, three international prizes, ABR Arts, political commentary, a weekly podcast, international tours, a remarkably successful Patrons program – and much more. We are seeking a visionary Editor and CEO to extend these programs and introduce new ones.

Job description

The Editor and CEO will lead a small, expert team, building on the magazine’s clear strengths in book reviews, political commentary, arts reviews, literary prizes, and cultural philanthropy.

The successful candidate will be a successful arts leader and/or publishing professional with an ambitious editorial vision and a deep knowledge of Australian literature, society, and the arts, and a strong appreciation of ABR’s unique place in Australian literary culture. Prior management and financial experience is essential, and experience with cultural philanthropy and/or grant applications and arts funding are desirable.

The Editor and CEO will be expected to lead all aspects of this small and vibrant organisation. The Editor and CEO reports to the Chair.

Based at the ABR office in Southbank, Melbourne, this is a full-time position with a four-year contract. The salary will be around $110,000, depending on experience, plus superannuation of 11.5%.

Application process

The application should comprise:

  • a two-page Expression of Interest outlining why you are interested in the role, how you would approach the editorship of ABR, and your view of the organisation’s strengths and opportunities
  • a detailed letter of two to four pages responding to the key criteria below
  • a CV of no more than two pages
  • the names of two referees

Shortlisted candidates will be asked to provide more details before the interviews, which are expected to take place in the second half of February 2025.

Key criteria

The application should address the following criteria and demonstrate experience and proficiency in these key areas:

  • commissioning and publishing a monthly cultural magazine of diverse content and authorship in a timely, stimulating and engaging manner, and adhering to the highest editorial standards
  • championing the value of literature and criticism, the arts and debate, in our society and to liaise with contributors, subscribers, donors and key stakeholders
  • working closely with contributors, ranging from emerging to senior, established writers, and mentoring early-career publishing professionals
  • utilising the full resources of digital publishing and promotion to expand ABR’s audience and engage readers across multiple platforms
  • successfully managing and leading a small staff and liaising with the Board
  • responsibly managing and extending fundraising, especially private donations, government funding, and grants from philanthropic foundations, and liaising with key stakeholders including contributors, subscribers, donors and partner organisations
  • managing ABR in a financially prudent manner, according to best governance practice (budgets, commercial activities, including sales and advertising, with due accountability to the ABR board)

Applications and any associated queries should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 5 pm on Monday, 20 January 2025.