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Ronald Reagan

This week on The ABR Podcast, Timothy J. Lynch reviews Reagan: His life and legend, by Max Boot. While there have Reagan biographies before, Lynch describes Max Boot’s as ‘the most readable’. Lynch writes: ‘The weight of the book, its ten-year writing span, its extensive interviews, its adulation from legacy media, all suggest the defining biography of the most important president of my lifetime. And yet, I ended my summer break in Boot’s company unconvinced.’ Timothy J. Lynch is Professor of American politics at the University of Melbourne and his latest book is In the Shadow of the Cold War: American foreign policy from George Bush Sr. to Donald Trump. Here is Timothy J Lynch with ‘Reagan’s nemesis? The most readable biography of Ronald Reagan’, published in the March issue of ABR.

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When Ronald Reagan died in 2004, Americans of every kind, ‘in rows three to five deep, thronged Pennsylvania Avenue to catch a glimpse of this melancholy but historic funeral procession’. In a note the presidential historian Richard Norton Smith wrote to Reagan’s widow, Nancy, he assured her that ‘their grief was equalled by their gratitude for a life that had become synonymous in their eyes with the nation itself’.

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Beginning just as the Cold War finally came to an end, the 1990s were supposed to bring peace, prosperity, and optimism to the United States. Thinking about all that has happened since – the 9/11 attacks, interminable wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the global financial crisis, violent unrest and democratic institutions under threat – it is tempting to look back on the decade as a short-lived golden age. But there has been a growing recognition among scholars and commentators that the roots of America’s contemporary woes can be found in the dark undercurrents of the fin de siècle. Strong economic growth and rapid technological advances had masked growing discontent and rage about inequality, immigration, and globalisation.

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On 4 November 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected president of the United States. The former radio announcer, Hollywood actor, and governor of California (1967–75) beat Jimmy Carter by four hundred and forty electoral college votes. No contender had beaten an incumbent by that much since 1932, when in the midst of the Great Depression Franklin D. Roosevelt triumphed over Herbert Hoover. And much like FDR’s victory, Reagan’s win in 1980 permanently altered the course of US politics. The welfare state that had existed under both Democratic and Republican presidents was diminished, if not entirely dismantled. The religious right, previously a nonentity in American politics, gained major clout. And the economic tenets of neo-liberalism, dismissed as fringe ideas in previous decades, took centre stage.

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