May 1995, no. 170

Full Contents
Children's and Young Adult Fiction
Looking Out for Ollie by Sharon Montey & Ghost Train by Michael Stephens
Literary Studies
Robert Drewe on 'One More Waltz: Papers from the Canberra Word Festival'
by Robert Drewe
Fate of a Free People: A radical re-examination of the Tasmanian wars by Henry Reynolds
by John Bryson
Military History
Gender and War: Australians at war in the twentieth century edited by Marilyn Lake and Joy Damousi
by Jeff Grey
The Abundant Culture, Meaning and Significance in Everyday Australia edited by David Headon, Joy Hooton, and Donald Horne
Australian History
Correggio Jones and the Runaways: The Italo-Australian connection by Desmond O’Grady
by Brenda Niall
Brides of Christ, Episode 3 by John Alsop and Sue Smith & The Drought by Tom Petsinis
by Sam Sejavka
Young Adult Fiction
A Kind of Dreaming by Julie Ireland & Next Stop the Moon by Suzanne Gervay
Transitions: New Australian feminisms edited by Barbara Caine and Rosemary Pringle
Radio Wars: Truth, propaganda and the struggle for radio Australia by Errol Hodge
by Joan Dugdale
Cultural Studies
Edge of the Sacred: Transformation in Australia by David J. Tacey
Sailing to Australia: Shipboard diaries by nineteenth-century British emigrants by Andrew Hassam
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