April 2000, no. 219

Full Contents
Children's and Young Adult Fiction
Pam Macintyre reviews 'The Keeper' by Rosanne Hawke, 'Wolf on the Fold' by Judith Clarke, and 'Closed, Stranger' by Kate De Goldi
Australian History
The Birth of Sydney edited by Tim Flannery & Buried Alive, Sydney 1788-92 by Jack Egan
by Robyn Annear
Eat Well and Stay Out of Jail by Leonie Stevens & Perfect Skin by Nick Earls
by Linda Jaivin
The Shark Net by Robert Drewe
by Carmel Bird
Children's and Young Adult Fiction
Sacked! by Rachel Flynn, illustrated by Craig Smith & Footy Shorts by Margaret Clark
by Stella Lees
Indigenous Studies
Those Who Remain Will Always Remember: An anthology of Aboriginal writing edited by Anne Brewster, Angeline O’Neill and Rosemary van den Berg
Children's and Young Adult Fiction
Family Business by Sophie Masson & The Rented House by Phil Cummings
by Ruth Starke
Australian History
The Governor’s Noble Guest: Hyacinthe de Bougainville’s account of Port Jackson, 1825 edited by Marc Serge Rivière
by Alan Frost
Unfree Associations: Inside psychoanalytic institutes by Douglas Kirsner
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