September 2001, no. 234
Welcome to the September 2001 issue of Australian Book Review.
Full Contents
The Pram Factory: The Australian Performing Group recollected by Tim Robertson
By and Large by Chris Wallace-Crabbe
Australian History
Making the Australian Male: Middle-class masculinity 1870–1920 by Martin Crotty
by John Rickard
Songs without Music: Aesthetic dimensions of law and justice by Desmond Manderson
Australian History
Looking for Leadership: Australia in the Howard Years by Donald Horne
by Guy Rundle
The Culture Cult: Designer tribalism and other essays by Roger Sandall
Australian History
Debating the City: An Anthology edited by Jennifer Barrett and Caroline Butler-Bowden
by John McPhee
Myth and Meaning: Australian Film Directors in Their Own Words by Peter Malone
Australian Fiction