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Australian Culture

In her essay in this collection, Jenna Mead quotes from the work of a co-contributor, the Australian medievalist David Matthews. He tells a story which is likely to resonate in the memories of many of us who have, by choice or otherwise, studied medieval culture at university in this country. His tutor at the University of Adelaide, in the course of a seminar on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, asked the class about the famous line which describes Bertilak’s castle: ‘Towres telded bytwene, trochet ful [th]ick.’ ‘Where might the nearest example of such an architectural feature be found?’ The class, suspecting some academic trick, fell silent, not making the imaginative connection to the tower of the administration building ‘about two hundred yards away’.

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When Miles Franklin received her six complimentary author’s copies of My Brilliant Career in September 1901 at her family’s property, Stillwater, twenty kilometres south-west of Goulburn, she was a few weeks short of her twenty-second birthday. It must have been a moment of intense pride to hold the sturdily bound copy of her first novel, published by the distinguished Edinburgh firm of William Blackwood & Sons.

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