May 2007, no. 291

Welcome to the May 2007 issue of Australian Book Review.
Full Contents
Australian History
Inside the Welfare Lobby: A history of the Australian Council of Social Service by Philip Mendes
Indigenous Studies
Bad Dreaming: Aboriginal men's violence against women and children by Louis Nowra
by John Hirst
Alien Roots: A German Jewish girlhood: from belonging to exile by Anne Jacobs
Literary Studies
Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 325: Australian writers, 1975–2000 edited by Selina Samuels
by Paul Brunton
Dumbing Down: Outcomes-based and politically correct – the impact of the culture wars on our schools by Kevin Donnelly
by Ilana Snyder
Australian History
The Howard Paradox: Australian diplomacy in Asia 1996–2006 by Michael Wesley
Frontiers of Justice: Disability, nationality, species membership by Martha C. Nussbaum
by Tamas Pataki
Antipodes vol. 20, no. 2 edited by Nicholas Birns & Australian Literary Studies vol. 22, no. 4 edited by Leigh Dale
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