Miles Franklin
300 and all that!
Next month marks the 300th issue of ABR. We’re feeling very generous as we approach this milestone. We invite current subscribers to give away a free six-month subscription to ABR when they renew. This is your chance to introduce a friend or colleague to ABR (recipients of these gifts must not be current or recently lapsed subscribers). All you have to do is to complete the cover sheet accompanying the March issue or contact the Office Manager on (03) 9429 6700 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Any current subscriber can take up this special offer if they renew now: your subscription doesn’t have to lapse this month for you to be eligible.
... (read more)When Miles Franklin received her six complimentary author’s copies of My Brilliant Career in September 1901 at her family’s property, Stillwater, twenty kilometres south-west of Goulburn, she was a few weeks short of her twenty-second birthday. It must have been a moment of intense pride to hold the sturdily bound copy of her first novel, published by the distinguished Edinburgh firm of William Blackwood & Sons.
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