standing on the Puente Romanoin Cordobawatching the rio Guadalquivirrun beneathlike time itselfI do the math2,000 divided by 44=45history is nothing more than this45 times a life of error and uncertaintythe main lesson of monuments in Europefor which you only queue twiceunless you want the audio guide toobut mostly we take the negative capability optionin the face of poor signage or poor Frenchand ... (read more)
Steve Brock

Steve Brock published his first collection of poetry The Night is a Dying Dog (Wakefield Press) in 2007, and received a grant from Arts South Australia for the completion of Double Glaze, published by Five Islands Press in 2013. He is the co-translator with Sergio Holas and Juan Garrido-Salgado of Poetry of the Earth: Mapuche trilingual anthology (Interactive Press, 2014). Steve completed a PhD in Australian literature at Flinders University in 2003. His work has featured in the Best Australian Poems (Black Inc.) and has been published in journals in Australia and overseas. His most recent collection is the chapbook Jardin du Luxembourg (Garron Publishing, 2016).
I wake upin the middle of the nightin a panic
about my dead-end jobthe credit cardthe housing market
until poetry appearslike a windowI go through
& composea couple of worksof genius
by day lightthey won’t be muchof course
but it’s enoughto get methrough the night. ... (read more)
Wednesday 28 November 2016, Adelaide
the day of the stormI had a poetry readingwith Nathan Curnowoverland from Ballaratto launch his collectionThe Apocalypse Awardsan hour into the unprecedentedstatewide blackoutI took his call
you bastardyou brought the apocalypse with youthe reading cancelledI waited around in the darknessstill in the officewith a swag of poetry booksand no way to get homeon t ... (read more)
a flock of starlingsrises like applausefrom the roofof her Majesty’s Theatre ... (read more)
I met Ted Berriganin a dream
wearing a T-shirtstanding in a sparselyfurnished room
the early Berrigannot yet bed riddenbut distinctlypot bellied
& the beardof course
it was a vivid dreamI can’t rememberif he said anythingliterary
but he seemed pleasedto be there. ... (read more)
Steve Brock published his first collection of poetry The Night is a Dying Dog (Wakefield Press) in 2007, and received a grant from Arts South Australia for the completion of Double Glaze, published by Five Islands Press in 2013. He is the co-translator with Sergio Holas and Juan Garrido-Salgado of Poetry of the Earth: Mapuche trilingual anthology (Interactive Press, 2014). Steve completed a PhD in ... (read more)