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Someone has left the day wide open here
But no one ever comes to mow the grass.
A man stands out of earshot, just a flash

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At high tide there’s a breakaway from pounding surf.
Some of the ocean has tired of the incessant battering
and steals over the beach away from the refractory swell.

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Life shivers between yourself and us: help us to stretch

toward the kingdom of our burrows in the earth: we’ll never occupy

again the silk-soft that was a womb, but we wander the night grass with you,

searching for a tenderness, an innocence at birth: until the quiet winds cut

the quiet breath from your mouth and your hindquarters stamp, Quickly, I must go

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Shyness gives you a bouquet of weeds and tells you to exit
quickly by the back door. Shyness shames you into presenting
only a peepshow version of yourself. It tells you never to be bold,
to never give yourself the box seat. The shy can’t perform

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A citizen of a difficult
memory, I travel at the full speed
of sleep. In my coat pocket: a fruit knife
to peel the sun, a wine

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And as five zones th’ aetherial regions bind,
Five, correspondent, are to Earth assign’d:
The sun with rays, directly darting down,
Fires all beneath, and fries the middle zone:
The two beneath the distant poles, complain
Of endless winter, and perpetual rain.    
Betwixt th’ extreams, two happier climates hold
The temper that partakes of hot, and cold.

Ovid via John Dryden*

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Strike one
and it will flare

as Bryant & May,
an unlikely pair of thugs,

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Everything seemed a catastrophe then
but I had things to prove.

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From a certain point, there is no more turning back.
That is the point that must be reached.

Franz Kafka

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winter nights
days of looking
at the flames
and into the ashes
in the house with wood-panelled walls

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