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The August issue of ABR includes the 2024 ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize shortlist – three stories chosen from more than 1,300 entries worldwide. We celebrate James Baldwin’s centenary with an essay on his matchless legacy and Juno Gemes’s cover photograph, taken on a London rooftop in 1976. Robyn Arianrhod surveys the parlous state of Australian science writing and Peter Goldsworthy recounts his first encounter with film director Stanley Kubrick. Our non-fiction reviews include Marilyn Lake on Nuked, Zora Simic on Personal Politics, Nick Hordern on The Trial of Vladimir Putin, and Zoë Laidlaw on The Truth About Empire. We review novels by Jordan Prosser, Rachel Cusk, and Evie Wyld and poetry by Judith Beveridge. ABR’s arts reviews – on King Lear, Paul Gauguin, and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? – are not to be missed.