Georgie heads towards a bench in the shade. No prams or bags or snack boxes on it. No other parents looking for playground chitchat. Max scuffs along a few metres behind her. He’s waving a stick like a metal detector and mumbles to himself. Georgie sits down and waves for him to hurry up. She should’ve shelved it by now. You can’t hurry Max. He’s always walked to the beat of his own drum. ... (read more)
Nina Cullen

Nina Cullen is a Newcastle based writer. Her fiction and non-fiction have appeared in Australia and overseas in publications including The Big Issue Fiction Edition, Island, Sleepers Almanac, Taste – Fresh New Writing, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Guardian, Sunday Life, the International Museum of Women, San Francisco, and the ABC. She has just finished a collection of linked short stories and is working on a novel. You can find her monthly Bedside Bookstack reviews at