One of the literary legacies of the financial crisis is a type of travel writing focused on the local social, economic, and environmental effects of unfettered global capitalism. There are two types of such books. Michael Lewis is perhaps the best known and most widely read author of the first kind, in which the reporter becomes a kind of tour guide to the financial freak show. In Boomerang (2011) ... (read more)
Virginia Lloyd

Virginia Lloyd is a literary agent and the author of The Young Widow’s Book of Home Improvement (2008). Her essays have appeared in a range of publications in Australia and the United States, where she is based. See:
[Photograph by Daniel Seth Pagel]
One of the literary legacies of the financial crisis is a type of travel writing focused on the local social, economic, and environmental effects of unfettered global capitalism. There are two types of such books. Michael Lewis is perhaps the best known and most widely read author of the first kind, in which the reporter becomes a kind of tour guide to the financial freak show. In Boomerang (2011) ... (read more)