May 2013, no. 351

The May issue contains many highlights. Distinguished author-critic Kerryn Goldsworthy, in a long article titled ‘Everyone’s a Critic’, surveys the current state of book reviewing, both in print and online. Comments by senior critics and literary editors make this essential reading for anyone interested in the health of our critical culture. Andrew Fuhrmann rips into the new production of A Clockwork Orange. We review major new novels by Andrea Goldsmith and Ashley Hay, and Melinda Harvey reviews Alice Munro’s latest valedictory collection of stories. Thanks to the generosity of our Patrons, we also advertise the new ABR Patrons’ Editorial Internship, worth $20,000.
Full Contents
Children's Fiction
Fog a Dox by Bruce Pascoe & Figaro and Rumba and the Crocodile Cafe by Anna Fienberg
by Joy Lawn