Professor Joy Damousi was the ARC Kathleen Fitzpatrick Laureate Fellow at the University of Melbourne between 2014 and 2019. The ARC Fellowship made possible the scale of the now published book, enabling research not only in Australia but also the United States, Britain, and Europe. The book evidences the potential of richly funded historical research.
Damousi’s work is a major contribution to ... (read more)
Andrew Markus

Andrew Markus is Emeritus Professor in Monash University’s Faculty or Arts and was previously Director of the University’s Australian Centre for Jewish Civilisation. His research specialisation is in the field of racial and ethnic relations and immigration policy. His publications include the co-authored Struggle for Aboriginal Rights (1999) and Second Chance: A history of Yiddish Melbourne (2018). He was the senior researcher on the Scanlon Foundation social cohesion surveys from 2007 to 2021.