I walk through an industrial landscapein the painful adolescent hoursbefore sunrise
above the sky has sobered upbut the high tensions wiresare still drippingwith conversationslong after rain has fallen
traffic lights turngreenorangeredcity streets are wind blownwith electric light
underfootleaves have formed
the first rough draftof autumn ... (read more)
Jules Leigh Koch

Jules Leigh Koch was born in Sydney and raised in Adelaide. He is the author of five poetry collections and has been a recipient of two South Australian Literature grants in 2008 and 2011. He has conducted poetry workshops in schools and colleges and at the South Australian Writers Centre. He has also worked as a mentor for emerging poets from Friendly Street Poets and the Richard Llewellyn Arts and Disability Trust. His professional life is spent working with children with special needs in educational settings.
the early morning skyhas bled out all over
the snug tiled roofsand tranquillised gardensof a Buddhist monastery
the air is a medleywith yellow and orangeshavings of sunlight
in the dormitory’s courtyardwell-bred leavesare falling like penances
stone buildings stand mutewith only a monologue of prayer bellssounding out each hour
in the commune kitchena group of young backpackerseat their ric ... (read more)
1.the barbed-wire soundsof crowshas fetched out the sunfrom behindthe ridge
daybreakhas saddles upthe sky
2.along the riverthe mist is chainsmoking
otherwise the onlybright moments
are the small hoof printsof sunlight
treadingover paddocks
3.a riveruntetheredat one end
its muscular frameis narrowing out
and browningas it stretches acrossthe plain
a rubber band
4.a herd of caravansare gra ... (read more)
Friesian cows are leaningover the fence
their eyes are an intense studyof nothing
a bus load of Japanese touristsstop
the cows take black and whitesnap shots of them ... (read more)
When achilddies
A crossis madein woodwork
Angelsare drawnin the art room
The school flagis hoistedto half mast
In the assembly hallvases of liliesare placed
At recessthe children sit togethera little tighter
The playgroundswing hasa minute’s silence ... (read more)